I M P L E M E N T A T I O N   P L A N
1.Billboard – Put up an Operation Jewish Education/The 5% Mandate billboard.

2. Endowment fund – Each school must establish their own endowment fund.

3. Board of trustees – We are encouraging each school to appoint seven members to its own board of trustees, who in turn would have donated funds managed by a professional independent money manager. (See Sample By-Laws)

We are seeking to encourage each endowment fund to refrain from spending more than the first 7% of annual earnings from its principal so that each fund will grow from retained earnings, in addition to ongoing contributions. We further are seeking to forge a relationship between day schools, federations, and synagogues so that a myriad of endowment funds are established, enabling every Jew to give to the institution to which he feels the closest.

4. Have all Rabbis individually sign separate declarations of leadership.

5. Have administration send out literature about Operation Jewish Education/The 5% Mandate.

6. Have administration circulate letters of intent and obtain signatures of pledges from every member of the community (see sample Letter of Intent for Pledges.) The initial signature drive should start with the parents, then the grandparents, then the aunts and uncles and extended families.